In the wake of the IPCC report on climate change, we anticipate the reaction of the world’s politicians with bated breath. Will they have the wisdom and fortitude to do the right thing? Will they take off the corporate blinders and think of our children’s futures instead of their pockets?
Here are the first words that came out of the US Energy Secretary Sam Bodman yesterday: “We are a small contributor when you look at the rest of the world.” WHAT!@? Did you say “…a small contributor…”? America has 4% of the world’s population yet it produces 25% of the greenhouse gases and uses 25% of the world’s crude oil. The man’s a fucking idiot!
No one expects the US to turn this thing around on its own and everyone is cognizant of the huge emissions burden China and India are about to become, but we need leadership and we need technological leaps to address this problem. America could provide that leadership for the world…if it weren’t for Dubya and his cronies.
Sometimes I think they’re living on another planet…
Joseph Froncioni