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« Speed on Ice | Main | OBJECT 10 »

March 02, 2007



Wow Zach, 35 a day is a huge amount. As for vitamins, I think some people need to take them, but many don't. Eating healthy and proper takes care of the proper nutrients for the vast majority of people. Adding in some supplements may help a little, but it depends on the person. 35 is definitely too extreme, though, I think.


*sigh* Just because I previewed, doesn't mean I said things the way I meant to.

This sentance:

" I noticed that effect after I read an article about how the heat pressing process destroys a lot of the vitamin."

Should have read:

"I noticed that effect *and* after*ward* I read an article about how the heat pressing process destroys a lot of the vitamin."

It would read better still:

"I noticed that effect before I read..."

Sorry for the confusion, and the second post.


I used to be one of those people that swallowed handfuls of vitamins. At one point I was taking 35 pills/day. I can understand your POV completely after that.

However, today I've cut way back, and instead focus on living healthier in other ways, but I still take some vitamins, those I've determined actually help me specifically.

I take Vitamin C, because if I don't I get sick more often and have more hangnails. I take a B-50 complex, because it evens out my mood. I take potassium because when I don't I get painful leg cramps. And I take Omega 3-6-9, because my brain seems to function better with it.

Are these suppliments actually helping? I dunno. It may only be the placebo effect. However, I believe they actually do help. If I try to take a pressed pill instead of my normal gelatin capsule I don't get the benefits. I noticed that effect after I read an article about how the heat pressing process destroys a lot of the vitamin.

I guess the point of my comment is that while I agree that most supplements are worthless, there are some that do work, even if it's little more than a placebo. I certainly wouldn't recommend spending more than 50USD/mo on vitamins, in any case. :)

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