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March 31, 2007



Beside her self? At the least, I see her calling for her "Mammy" & smelling salts. If she was in genuine disbelief that The Word of God had been disrespected in such a manner is see apoplectic shock.

This month TMC is showing: Fall From Grace -Kansas cleric Fred Phelps preaches antigay rhetoric.

Mr. Phelps basis all his arguments on Lev. 18:22. This family, including grand & great-grand kids, picket alot: highway; gov't; circuses; soldiers funerals. "Fag" seems to be their favourite word (it is disturbing to hear kids use it so venomously), and the "fags" are responsible for all bad things including 9/11.

It is balanced by other theologians using some of the logic given in the letter. Lookout for it, it is an excellent documentary.


WOW! what an amazing letter, she must have been beside herself when she saw the letter! i hope it opened her eyes to see reality! xx

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