Let me see if I can keep a straight face for this one.
Heard of Focus on the Family? Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, FOTF is a socially conservative, evangelical, pro-life, pro-school sponsored prayer, pro-corporal punishment and anti-gay. Needless to say, these people believe in the power of prayer and intelligent design. Get the picture? Just decent God-fearing Americans who dedicate themselves to the noble task of protecting family values.
As an organization that is tax exempt under provision 501(c)(3) of the US tax code, FOTF is prohibited from conducting political campaign activities to influence elections to public office.
So, just before the Democratic National Convention in Denver, a video appeared on the group’s website asking people to pray for “rain of biblical proportions” during Barack Obama’s August 28th appearance. Let me get this right: these people call themselves good Christians, believe in the power of prayer and are supposedly apolitical but they consider it moral to ask the Almighty to alter meteorological patterns to disrupt a political candidate’s keynote speech?
When complaints forced the group to ax the video, the director who also acted in the clip defended the piece as “…hyperbole. It was meant to be humorous.” My ass!
And here’s the best part about this: These right wing evangelical nutters invoke their god to disrupt a Democratic candidate’s keynote speech and what do they get? A category 3 hurricane that hits the still ailing New Orleans and in doing so completely fucks-up the Republican National Convention. Too funny for words! Maybe there is a God after all! (Just kidding.)
Joseph Froncioni
These right wing evangelical nutters invoke their god to disrupt a Democratic candidate’s keynote speech and what do they get?
Posted by: Pandora UK | June 13, 2011 at 11:31 PM