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What I've Been Reading

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June 06, 2005


WJ Howard Trott

I would surely appreciate this message being passed on to Mme Roberta Trott.

To Mme Roberta Trott.

Thaddeus was my Great Uncle, his Sister Polly my great Aunt and Sir Howard whom I am named after is of course my Great Grandfather.

I did meet Thaddeus when I was around eleven which would have been in 1972 when he visited Australia. I remember we had lunch as a family with him at the Wentworth Hotel in Sydney.

Alas, I never met Aunt Polly and am greatly saddened by the news of her recent (to me)passing. I will never get to meet her but I believe she was a wonderful person. I also never met my Grandfather. Apparently my father and Grandfather did not see eye to eye to say the least and I guess because of that he never visited this country.

From what my mother tells me though he wrote her quite regularly to ask about me and my sister Karen. By the time my father started visiting the Island again my grandfather had passed.

I have travelled to Bermuda once with dad where we visited the family plot. I think it was in Somerset but I can't be sure! We took a taxi ride around the island and visited so many places.

While I was there I met Chris Trott whom I believe to be Thaddeus' son. If thats true then I assume he is also yours. Forgive me please if I assuem wrong. You see, if my father had told me about his family in Bermuda , then I would know. As you may or may not have guessed Bill Trott was my father.

I would like to find out as much as possible about Sir Howard and have tried to contact Chris in this regard, however, to no avail. I wonder if you can shed any light on Sir Howard?

Unfortunately there is not much written on him on the internet and I have no other way of finding out any information other than corresponding with the people who knew him. My email is [email protected].

Mme Roberta Trott

I was married to Thaddeus Trott and am his widow. Sir William was my father-inlaw and Polly Hornburg my sister-in-law.


Herbert Francis Wilson was my great-grand uncle...

Mary Maddox

Ilived at Quickswood back in 1967 with my
cousin Terry Brannon and family,I have very fond memories,of your house and Bermuda.

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