A collection of famous last words.
Dying is no laughing matter I suppose but it sure is a life changing experience. At least that’s what they tell me. The ones that haven’t died, that is.
Came across this web site and picked out my favorite Famous Last Words:
• I'm losing.
Frank Sinatra
• They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance.
General John Sedgwick, Union Commander in the U.S. Civil War, who was hit by sniper fire a few minutes after saying it
• I'm bored with it all.
Winston Churchill, before slipping into a coma and dying nine days later.
• LSD, 100 kilograms I.M.
Aldous Huxley To his wife. She obliged and he was injected twice before his death.
• I really need a therapist'
Christopher Grace, an actor who killed himself during a matinee performance of Greece
• No! I didn't come here to make a speech. I came here to die.
Crawford Goldsby, aka Cherokee Bill, when asked if he had anything to say before he was hanged.
• Don't worry, relax!
Rajiv Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, to his security staff minutes before being killed by a suicide bomber attack.
• Dammit... Don't you dare ask God to help me.
Joan Crawford. This comment was directed towards her housekeeper who began to pray aloud.
• Die, my dear? Why that's the last thing I'll do!
Groucho Marx
• Is someone hurt?
Robert F. Kennedy, to his wife directly after he was shot and seconds before he fell into a coma.
• Don't worry...it's not loaded...
Terry Kath, rock musician in the band Chicago Transit Authority as he put the gun he was cleaning to his head and pulled the trigger.
• Get these fucking nuns away from me.
Norman Douglas
• Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies.
Voltaire (attributed), when asked by a priest to renounce Satan
Joseph Froncioni
Hey bro,
When we rolled dad into the hospital, the first instructions he gave us sounded about the same as, "Dammit... Don't you dare ask God to help me".
He had us put a big sign at the nurses desk instructing that no priest was to come within 50 ft of him or else....of course he had a smile on his face when he asked us , but we knew he wasn't fooling around.
Posted by: Brother Mikey | October 16, 2006 at 08:27 AM