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August 10, 2007


Sylvanus Nawab

Hi Doc,
I am glad to know that you enjoyed your first trip to Africa and hope it is not your last. Definitely South Africa is a lovely country but there is a lot more of territory, culture and beauty in such a vast continent.
I read your take on the abject poverty that you saw and the other side of extreme luxury, the politics, history and geography of which I would love to sit with you and discuss sometime.
Amazing how Mandela has handled the transition of that society from apartheid but there is still a lot to be done.
I know how you enjoy conversation over some good wine and food. I am preparing an arsenal of good latin delights for you next time I visit Bermuda.
Read the End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs

Sylvanus Nawab

Hi Doc,
I am glad to know that you enjoyed your first trip to Africa and hope it is not your last. Definitely South Africa is a lovely country but there is a lot more of territory, culture and beauty in such a vast continent.
I read your take on the abject poverty that you saw and the other side of extreme luxury, the politics, history and geography of which I would love to sit with you and discuss sometime.
Amazing how Mandela has handled the transition of that society from apartheid but there is still a lot to be done.
I know how you enjoy conversation over some good wine and food. I am preparing an arsenal of good latin delights for you next time I visit Bermuda.
Read the End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs

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