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« Africa Journal 4 | Main | Africa Photo Album »

August 20, 2007


Pandora Beads

Fabulous Journal!. And one heck of a holiday / birthday present.
Great to hear and see all of your events. Travel writing in your future retirement plans?

Don & Shelby & girls

Joe and Josee
Fabulous Journal!. And one heck of a holiday / birthday present.
Great to hear and see all of your events. Travel writing in your future retirement plans?
We loved all the recounting of events and can envision your reactions. thanks for sharing.

Looking forward to catching up soon

Don & Shelby


Epoustouflantes images d'Afrique, ça coupe le souffle, merci de les partager. Les Africains ont tant de plaies à panser et un si beau pays à reconquérir. Tant de splendeur qui côtoie tant de misère ... ça dépasse l'entendement.

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