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What I've Been Reading

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October 15, 2007



adding Kundera would be great too, any of his books.

KK Foong

Hello Joseph Froncioni,
I am writing from Malaysia, I have stumbled upon your monster list of books. It is very exciting to read the list. There are a few books that I did not see in there:

On Photography by Susan Sontag
Felicia's Journey by William Trevor
Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd
Notes on a Scandal by Zoe Heller
Among the Believers by VS Naipaul
In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki
Microserf by Douglas Coupland
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche
The Look of the Century by Michael Tambini (a book that I have "never" finished)

I do not think you have not read them, maybe just left out.

You have a great website, reading your articles (photography, chairs, religion etc.) is like listening to a familiar friend. Please do not stop writing.

Oh, I too read mostly fiction.

Warmest regards

Joseph Froncioni


Your comment is timely. I've just gone through my library and weeded out about 100 books, mostly best sellers or books I had no special attachment to. I am indeed running out of room. I want to assure you though that I do make it a priority to find a good home for the rejects.



As someone who inhales books at an alarming rate, I am amazed that you keep all of yours. Where do you find the room? I treasure them while I am reading them, keep the classics or those that resonate, and pass the others on. I believe the best place for most books is shared with a friend. You haven't mentioned the Oxford English Dictionary - that is one of the best reads ever (I am easily bored, and even more easily amused).

Joseph Froncioni

Jeeze, and those are gems! How could I have left them out? Thanks.


Ah, c'mon... you're missing so many books here. Being one who's benefited greatly from all the books you used to have around the house, I can tell you you've omitted quite a bunch:

Breakfast of Champions Kurt Vonnegut
Sirens of Titan Kurt Vonnegut
Cat's Cradle Kurt Vonnegut
Brave New World Aldous Huxley

I'm sure I can find 10 or 20 more if I put my mind to it. Still, your list is impressive to me -- I barely read at all.

Thanks for the great list, Joe!


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