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What I've Been Reading

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« Gömböc – Finding Consilience | Main | Would that it were so. »

August 07, 2008



Hey Joe, I enjoyed the reading. for those of us who can't afford it this is the next best thing to being there. You are a culinary poet!

Mike W

You know that warm, relaxed feeling you get whenever you slip into a warm bath or receive a scalp massage? I got that from reading about this food. This is truly food porn. What I wouldn't give for a full rundown of the complete tasting menu.

oliver t griswold

wow. this is inspired. thanks for posting!


I LOVE food! I mean I really LOVE food! The size of my ass shows how much I LOVE food! I watch the Food Network, I buy Bon Apetite. Did I mention how much I LOVE food? I've read about molecular gastronomy, and it just keeps reminding me about college level biology and chemistry labs, so it takes all the fun out of food. That's why I could never get into bacon ice cream et al. After reading your article I am not sure if I am hungry or I've lost my apetite ;-)

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