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What I've Been Reading

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February 09, 2007


roger desmoulins


The bris depicted in Eli Ungar-Sargon's documentary film "Cut", was most definitely traumatic. The AAP has formally endorsed the use of lidocaine with every RIC procedure. The typical RIC performed in a USA maternity ward is still done without effective pain reductions, and this fact is barbaric.

It is not the case that FGM invariably insults the glans clitoris. Nor is it the case that the intent of FGM is invariably to damage or destroy a woman's capacity for orgasm. Many African women who have undergone various forms of FGM claim that they orgasm regularly with their husbands.

Moses Maimonides, writing 800 years ago, was of the opinion that the true purpose of circumcision was to make men less lecherous. The Victorian and Edwardian gentlemen who urged middle class mothers to have their sons circumcised, definitely believed that circumcised boys and men were less randy and less likely to masturbate. Before 1920 or so, masturbation was often seen as deeply immoral.

There are circumcised men with sexual difficulties. Some find sex boring. Others cannot ejaculate in the vagina. Not all circumcised men are as fortunate as you are.
There are circumcised men who do fine in their 20s and 30s, and then begin experiencing problems in their 40s and 50s.

roger desmoulins

Quickwood, I invite you to join Doctors Opposing Circumcision"

Very very Americans with MD on their business cards are willing to speak out against American routine infant circumcision. This enables doctors and medical school profs to scof at intactivism


I found your article while researching, of all things, carbolic acid and phenols. Don't you find that Americans in general are pretty closed minded about anything regarding our bodies or our sexuality? Take a look at the info on the Baby magazine, which is only found in physicians' offices, that was decried for exposing the SIDE, yes side, of a breast, (no nipple) of what MIGHT BE a baby nursing. 25% of WOMEN readers found it offensive and vulgar. A breastfeeding baby. I was outraged. What a beautiful site, and yet these same mothers don't find the feeding of dead cow to their children equally offensive. It amazes me what one finds offensive and vulgar and what another will accept as completely rational. :) LOVE the site. Keep it up.

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Excellent blog about male genital mutilation.!! I love all the articles you have, you have done an excellent job with the information on them.!!!

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hello friend I want to add this information to improve your post Male circumcision is the removal of some or all of the foreskin (prepuce) from the penis. The word "circumcision" comes from Latin circum (meaning "around") and cædere (meaning "to cut"). Early depictions of circumcision are found in cave paintings and Ancient Egyptian tombs, though some pictures are open to interpretation. Religious male circumcision is considered a commandment from God in Judaism. In Islam, though not discussed in the Qur'an, male circumcision is widely practised and most often considered to be a sunnah.


I've been to bris(s) - it's not nearly the description given here. A moment of reaction & that's it. No ongoing crying. No long wails.

I expected a lot more & I'm sure those who haven't been to a bris or are posed to see it this way, will buy into what you say.


Female circumcision is about removing her sexual pleasure completely so she will remain faithful to her husband.

No comparision to male circumcision considering they do experience plenty of sexual pleasure (in my experience.)

There are sides to argue on this, but this is not factually a well balanced or fair article.


Thanks for the info. I'm currently working on and updating a religous article showing that Scriptural Circumcision is not Mutilation. Ancient Hebrews did not keep to the origininal, but incorporated various aspect of Scriptural Circumcision with Egyptian Mutilation.

David Wilton

Thank you for the link to this article. I have in fact read this before. It's a wonderfully thoughtful discussion.


David Wilton


Cutting off other people's body parts without their consent is barbaric and wrong. I am furious that my parents forced this on me.

The bottom line is, it was MY body and MY choice ALONE. They had no right to do this to me.

by the way, here is a recent study published in the British Journal of Urology that proves that the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis:

SIR Alastair Jack BTP LBD

Well hello Joe how are you i have found your site. Very impresive i must say. I was scanning and saw this subject so had to leave a comment after our great discusion on the matter. But all i have to say is LOOSEFANBELTS.COM. That is all . Well i will leave more indepth comments as i read on . But have a great day and talk to you soon


Thanks for the great article, but of course I like it, I hate being circumcised, and have an intact son. People who are circumcised and like it either won't admit to themselves they are missing something, or believe all the hype on the other side. Either way, they won't listen to us.

I think the only way to abolish circumcision in the US is to work on the ethics/personal choice angle "his body, his choice". We need to somehow get the Female Genital Mutilation law to have all the references to "female" replaced by "person". If a parent can't so much as pinprick a female under 18, why are they allowed to cut male foreskins off newborns?


I found your article while researching, of all things, carbolic acid and phenols. Don't you find that Americans in general are pretty closed minded about anything regarding our bodies or our sexuality? Take a look at the info on the Baby magazine, which is only found in physicians' offices, that was decried for exposing the SIDE, yes side, of a breast, (no nipple) of what MIGHT BE a baby nursing. 25% of WOMEN readers found it offensive and vulgar. A breastfeeding baby. I was outraged. What a beautiful site, and yet these same mothers don't find the feeding of dead cow to their children equally offensive. It amazes me what one finds offensive and vulgar and what another will accept as completely rational. :) LOVE the site. Keep it up.

Intact or unintact

Isn't it true, though, that you can last longer and have more sex without that sensitive foreskin? I'd to get input from those of you who are still intact since it seems my entire generation is circumcised.


great article!!! xx

The Fox

This was very interesting and informative. My son unfortunately was circumcised and I am almost in tears as I read this.I wish this was better explained to me when he was born or before he was born. I feel like I have done him a grave diservice. When I think about the part that the foreskin providing self stimulation was also enlightening when I think of sexual intercourse with my husband. I can better understand (for lack of a better word) certain things now - my husband was also circumcised. The paediatrician encouraged me to have my son circumcised at the time.He is now 16 and I can't undo the past, but no grandson of mine will ever be circumcised. God gave us all the parts He did for a good reason, I won't try to 2nd guess Him again. Thank for the article Doc.


"People can do whatever they want with their own kids."

Troll? Or world's greatest imbecile?

Let's see...can people rape their children? No. Punch them in the face? No. Pull their fingernails out? No. Consider yourself rebutted.


Thanks for writing this.

I've definitely found that the main problem with talking to men about circumcision is that circumcised men just say "no, my penis is just fine, thank you. Why would I want a foreskin?" Your typical circumcised male never has any experience with a foreskin. I'm circumcised, but my boyfriend isn't—and I'm so grateful for the altered perspective caused by having an intimate acquaintance with the intact penis. If I didn't have that, I'd probably wouldn't believe that my penis had only a fraction of the sensitivity it's supposed to, and just shrug of circumcision as a harmless custom. I don't know how you can convince circumcised men that circumcision is bad when they can't find anything in their experience to compare it to.

To D: Just because someone has some kids does not entitle them to do whatever they want to those children. You aren't allowed to molest, beat, starve, or do innumerable other things to your children. Why should you be allowed to cut off pieces of their anatomy just for fun?

Joseph Froncioni

Hey D...let me guess: you're circumcised...right?


Dude. Get over it. People can do whatever they want with their own kids. If you don't like it, don't do it.

Toby Marotta, Ph.D.

In my own view the most consequential omission in official recommendations for HIV/AIDS prevention is the now-25-year neglect of the role that post-sex hygiene can play vis-a-vis STDS.

Especially in England, but also by U.S. military officials during World Wars I and II, washing genitals with soap and water after sex was recommended as the most effective way to prevent syphilis and gonorrhea, at least since the beginning of the 20th century. Throughout the 1970s and at least until 1983, this practical post-sex washing strategy was recommended for reducing risk of all STDs, including (in 1983) HIV/AIDS infections, by the NYC-based American Foundation for the Prevention of V.D., Inc.

Yet the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (via C.D.C. and then other of its Institutes) neglected to study or to recommend post-sex hygiene as a complement to condom use for preventing HIV/AIDS during the 1980s. By the end of this decade the costs of this egregious oversight seem to have made it impossible for federal public-health officials and their followers to play catch-up by conducting the kinds of sophisticated statistical research they now require as "evidence" in order to make or to endorse recommendations for prevention.

As if to fill this unfortunate void, during the 1990s, certain authoritative books and web sites dealing with AIDS, so long as they were not part of the federal public-health system, began to cite post-sex hygiene as the technique to resort to if a condom breaks, leaks, or slips off.

Politically these developments have put the U.S.A. and indeed most of the developed world in a costly and postentially scandalous bind. Eminent American private institutions, such as the AIDS Clinic at Johns Hopkins University (source of John Bartlett, M.D., and Ann Finkbeiner's six editions of "The Guide to Living with HIV Infection") and Harvard University Medical School (which supplies and oversees content for the health-information site "") routinely couple their recommendations for condom use with advice to wash genitals with soap and water if condoms fail. In the 2006 Edition of Bartlett and Finkbeiner, on page 45, the recommendation is: "If a condom leaks or breaks, both partners should wash their genitals with soap and water."

But the menu of so-called "safer-sex" recommendations offered and endorsed by the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization, like their officially endorsed and promoted ABC plan, says nothing about following sexual intercourse by washing genitals with soap and water. And I fear that the advice given particiants in those African circumcision and vaccine studies does not include discussion of post-sex hygiene.

The ultimate irony of this embarrassing oversight is that circumcision and post-washing tend to go hand in hand for Muslim men, inspired by religiously mandated and early socialized attention to personal hygiene that extends to bathing after sexual intercourse for the purposes of genital hygiene. Even fine discussions of the pros and cons of male circumcision, such as your own, rarely note that the hygiene rationale for this surgincal procedure is most easily and efficiently accomplished by using soap and water to wash a penis at the conclusion of sexual intercourse, of any kind.

Brother Mikey

Great article Joe.

In fact, now that I think back, with all of the skiing that I have done throughout my life, cross-country or downhill, in -40C weather....I certainly would have gotten severe frostbite on my penis without my trusty foreskin. So it also has insulating purposes for those real outdoorsman!

Also, I think you forgot to mention one other myth when it comes to masturbation - It was thought to cause hairy palms.



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